About Me

All About Me

About my skills, my education, my experience, my hobbies and life.

Shape for decoration
My photo

Tech. Skills:

HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Redux, Redux Toolkit, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, SCSS, Styled-Components, Framer-motion, Material UI, Sanity, Stripe, Node.js, Express.js, React Native (Expo), SQL/NoSQL databases, Firebase, JQuery, Swagger, WordPress, AWS Cloud, JQuery, i18next, JS/React-libraries.


VSCode, Git, GitHub, Figma, Trello, Jira, Slack, Zoom, Postman, Swagger, Squooash, Chrome Devtools, Mongo Atlas, Heroku, Vercel, Netlify


Mobile First, Responsive Design, Cross-browser compatibility, Pixel Perfect, SEO optimization, Accessibility, SCRUM, Agile, JWT-authentication, Animation, REST API.

Banner from LinkedIn profile

From 2008 to 2014 I was a student at Odessa National Maritime Academy ( now called National University Odessa Maritime Academy) where I studied to become a marine navigator. During my education I started my seaman's career on international ships. My first voyage I get in 2011 on bulk carrier like Deck Cadet. In February 2014, I was graduated like Specialist of Navigation (Master's degree).

From 2017 I became Third Officer and until August 2022 worked on this position and thought about new opportunities in my life like Web Development.

Symbol of National University Odessa National Maritime Academy

After start war in Ukraine, I relocated to Spain with family and started to learn Web Development. I get my first certificate in March 2023 and it was AWS Cloud Practitioner Certificate.

After that, I commenced a 10-months course Fullstack Web Developer in GoIT school. During this course I learned HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React.js, Redux, TypeScript, Node.js. The most important thing, that we learned the best practices of coding and must modern technologies. I participated in team projects and have numerous individual projects. On our team projects we use Trello, Jira, GitHub and Figma for design. It was so great experience that 10-months course I completed in 6 months.

Also, during my education I participated in DrukArmy team project. We update the frontend part of existing project by using Next.js. It was very useful experience, because I started work with Next.js, learned how to implement i18next for localization, how customise input for all types of browser and how work with hard layout.

Fullstack Web Developer Certificate first pageFullstack Web Developer Certificate second pageFullstack Web Developer Certificate third pageFullstack Web Developer Certificate fourth page

After my relocation to Spain, I started learn Spanish, and started course Web Page Development and Publishing in Center of Education in Getafe. During this course I learned HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Boostrap, WordPress ( Elementor, WooCommerce), SEO optimization and Accessibility. After completion of this course I have got 80 hours (3 weeks) internship in ONG Remar Spain.

The first time I worked with WordPress, optimized website for SEO, fixed CSS and JS bugs. When my tutor saw that I can create web applications, he ask me to create a web application for Solidaria Media. I choose Next.js for this project. I created this app for streaming radio and TV with admin dashboard. Admin can manage YouTube videos in this application, add or delete them.

After successful completion of this internship, I obtained a proffesional certificate and Medium Grade in Spain.

After completion courses in GoIT and CRN Getafe, I continued to learn new technologies and improve my skills. I learned React Native, SQL databases, Sanity and Stripe integrations, improve TypeScript and for this moment I am learning AI in Web Development. My education will never stop, even if I get a job.

Due to above mentioned, I am looking for a job as a Junior (Strong Junior) Web Developer. I am ready to work in a team, learn new and improve my skills. I am looking for a company where I can grow and develop my skills. I am looking for a company where I can be a part of a team, work on interesting projects and I am interesting in long term cooperation. Also, I am ready to relocate to any city within Spain.

My main hobby, of course, its coding. But, also, I like a lot hiking and playing the guitar. I like to spend time in the nature, far from the city noise. I have been playing the guitar more than 10 years. I like to play the guitar, because it helps me to relax and forget about all problems.

Mountains of Guadarrama
Mountains of Guadarrama