Bookshelf is a website for book lovers. User can also add books to favorites and view them later. The app uses Firebase for authentication and storing data. My sections: Header, Bestsellers Books, Firebase-authentication, Pagination, Switcher dark/light, Categories list.


JavaScript, Vite, Firebase, CSS3, Axios, Tui-pagination, HTML5, Simplelightbox
VSCode, Figma, Git, GitHub
Mobile First, Responsive layout, Pixel Perfect, Pagination, Filtering, Firebase-authentication
Team Frontend project on Vanilla JavaScript with Firebase Authentication. My sections were: Bestesellers books, Categories books, Header, Switcher Dark/Light, Mobile menu, Firebase authentication and Delete books from Favorites. For this Team project we use Vite bundler. There are also Pagination and Filtering by categories. For styling we use CSS3. For BookDetails modal we use Simplelightbox library.