

DrinkMaster is a cocktail recipe app. User should register and login first. After he can add cocktails to favorites and create customs drinks. Also user can change avatar and some user information. Mu section: Header, Mobile menu, Switcher dark/light, Navigation, Popular drinks, User menu, Update user modal with form.

Shape for decoration


Shape for decoration

React, Vite, JavaScript, Emotion, Formik, Yup, Axios, REST API, Material-UI, Notiflix, Redux Toolkit, Redux Persist, React-router-dom

VSCode, Figma, Git, GitHub, Netlify, Cloudinary

Mobile First, Responsive layout, Form Validation, JWT-authentication, Pagination, Filtering, Pixel Perfect

Team Fullstack Project on React.js and Node.js. The app has a responsive dersign and is optimized for mobile devices. My section: Header, Mobile menu, Switcher Dark/Light, Popular Drinks, User Profile Menu, Modal with Update user form, on Backend routes for Popular drinks, Update user and Swagger documentation for them. We ccreated Backend first and then Frontend part. User can change avatar, create custom drinks, add to Favorites and Remove from favorites. There filtering, pagination and custom cursor. For authentification we use JWT-tokens and Email-verification.