Hotel Management
Hotel management system with admin panel in Sanity studio. Admin can add, edit, delete rooms, view bookings, view statistics, and manage users, bookings, rooms, reviews. User can book a room, view booking details, pay for the room, make review of room and check statistics in user menu.


Next.js, TypeScript, Sanity, Tailwind CSS, Chart.js, Axios, Stripe, OAuth
VSCode, Figma, Git, GitHub, Vercel, Sanity
Mobile First, Responsive layout, Pixel Perfect, Stripe payment, OAuth, Admin panel
Individual fullstack project on Next.js, TypeScript, Stripe and Tailwind CSS. For admin dashboard I used Sanity Studio. User can login with Google, Github or Credentials and books a room within choosen dates. user can make payment by card, make review and check statistic from User Profile. Also there is a Dark/Light switcher. From Sanity Studio admin can add room, manage room, users, bookings and reviews. Admin can view statistics of bookings and reviews.